FAQ (IOS) by light_rock_zz

Version: 3.1 | Updated: 06/20/2024
FAQ of the Month Winner: January 2020 | Highest Rated Guide

Daily Missions

Technical Details & General Approach to Daily Missions

The mission debriefing will only come at the fastest, 15 minutes after the mission reset time.

There are a total of 10 ranks (excluding Rookie). Each rank has 3 missions of varying difficulty. The first two missions will almost always be easier than the 3rd mission.

The demotion criteria is as follows:

  • Attempted any of the 3 daily missions
  • Not able to clear any of the 3 daily missions by clearing all available waves

The criteria to remain at the current rank is as follows:

  • Attempted and cleared any one of the 3 daily missions
  • Not attempting the other 1 or 2 daily missions is acceptable
  • Clearing 2 out of 3 of the daily missions fulfills the criteria to remain at current rank


  • Did NOT attempt any of the 3 daily missions. You are considered to have not attempted the mission if you did not kill a single invader in a mission. This means you can start the mission, but kill yourself before any invader in wave 1-1 dies.

The promotion criteria is as follows:

  • Cleared ALL 3 of the daily missions. If you are not able to attempt the specialist mission because you do not have any of the ships allowed for the specialist mission, then it is impossible to promote that day.

The completion status of community missions does not affect promotion or demotion. The rank will be updated to the higher rank once you clear all the waves of your current league, so do not confused why your daily mission is not the currently shown rank and league.

The order of ranks, from lowest to highest is shown in the table below. Click on the icon of the rank below to be redirected straight to the daily mission cycle for that rank.

Missions#1, #2D, C, BC, B, AB, A, SD, C, BC, B, AB, A, S
Rank ColonelMajorCommanderMarshal
Missions D, C, BC, B, AB, A, SSS, SSS, SSSS

Daily leaderboards are split for ranks for bronze and silver ranks (from Cadet to Captain), which means that you can only place on any one of the many leaderboards (no one knows how many). For ranks Colonel and above, there is only one leaderboard.

Daily missions reset at exactly 12am GMT+0 / UTC+0 everyday. The credit reward per wave cleared is a flat ¢10, no matter the rank. You will thus earn a maximum of ¢200 per daily mission for ranks Ace and above. For Cadet, Ensign & Sergeant, the leftmost & middle daily missions will earn you a maximum of ¢160 since there are only 4 Acts, while the rightmost daily mission will earn you a maximum of ¢200 as there are 5 Acts.

Marshal rank specialist daily missions can often be excruciatingly difficult. Thus, it may serve you better to fully clear 2 daily missions in a any rank except Marshal, and then get to 5-4 in a 3rd daily mission to give you a good credit earning of ¢590 per day, in order to maximize credit earnings. As an early player, if profit maximizing is the priority, it is beneficial to stay at the Captain rank so that you can always get to 5-4 in a 3rd daily mission, rather than risking not being able to reach 5-4 in a specialist daily mission.

However, staying in a lower rank will not allow you as a player to improve your skills. As such, it is recommended that you promote to Colonel and above once you have a maxed out ship for each Aura and Zen type (not having a ship that has Goliath Missile, Focus Lance or Clover ATS maxed out is completely fine, however). You can then promote to Marshal once you have most of the ships.

The daily missions follow a set cycle, which includes different types of missions. You might want to know what you are coming up against on such days, as some missions are generally more difficult than others. This is to prepare to buy some ships, especially if you are a starting player.

As you progress through the ranks, you will start exploring new venues.

  • Starting from bronze ranks (Cadet , Ensign & Sergeant ), you only have access to the following mission venues:
    • Zhey Auna
    • Gau Prime
    • Arcology CQ-6
    • Ceres Major
  • When you reach the silver ranks (Ace , Lieutenant & Captain ), you will also visit Blight, Sector[3,84]
  • When you reach the gold ranks (Colonel, Major & Commander ), you will also visit Dovacoon Forge
  • Finally, when you reach Marshal rank, you will also visit Prometheus Array, completing your journey between all worlds in Phoenix 2

If you would like to admire the full scrolling versions of these backgrounds, you can use this playlist:

Trivia 1: According to the devs, Blight, Sector[3,84] was called New Eden, before the invasion of invaders.

Trivia 2: In a screenshot of Phoenix 2, that was on one of the dev's Twitter / X before the game was officially released which you can see here, it was apparent that Gau Prime was called Sector YY. However, the devs have clarified that these names that you see in the placeholder image were never used in development, so the image was just a placeholder with placeholder names.

Trivia 3: Here's a background of a venue in a pre-alpha version of Phoenix 2 that was never released:

You will also be reporting to different NPCs as you progress from bronze to silver to gold ranks.

  1. When you are in bronze ranks, you will report to Captain Merrick, as pictured below:
  2. When you are in silver ranks, you will report to Commander Khier, as pictured below:
  3. When you are in gold or Marshal ranks, you will report to Marshal Liss, as pictured below. You will also recognize Marshal Liss as the Apex Pilot in the Prologue.

Introduction to different Mission Types

Remembering what each mission type is about from reading its name is easy. Just follow these rules:

  • If the mission is a General mission type, then expect the common invader weaponries (pellets, darts, shurikens & lasers) in roughly equal proportions. MIRVs do NOT appear in General missions.
    • There is one General mission type that does NOT have lasers as indicated in both name and mission intel.
    • There is one General mission type that has a higher density of boomerangs compared to other General missions. This mission is named General/Boomerang. It also does NOT have pellets.
  • The invader weaponries that are part of the mission type's name are the most dominant invader weaponries you’ll face.
    • If there is a third invader weapon, it would usually be slightly less dominant.

The Mission Intel detailed in this guide assumes the worst case scenario. In the actual missions, it is expected that some invader weaponry may not show up on the mission intel. Here are the cases to take note of:

  • DD weapons may not always appear. This applies to all ranks, including Marshal.
    • It is rare to have BOTH DDLs and DDMBs in one mission.
    • In other ranks except Marshal, it is much rarer for DDSMs to appear.
    • In Silver ranks, it is much rarer for DDLs or DDMBs to appear.
  • MIRVs may not always appear in Bronze or Silver ranks, even though the mission type may be a Dart/MIRV or Boomerang/Shuriken mission.
    • MIRVs may also not always appear in Bronze ranks, even though the mission type may be Shuriken/MIRV mission.
  • Lasers may not always appear in Bronze ranks. However, if the mission type includes laser MIRVs, they will definitely appear.

Condors and Rocs will not be part of the mission intel as the presence or absence of these huge invaders do not affect the mission type. These bigger invaders also have no set pattern of appearance. The mission intel you see below assumes the worst case scenario (excluding Condors and Rocs).

Based on the mission intel and mission venue, you can determine the mission types mentioned in this guide. This allows you to pick the most appropriate ship from the get-go. Just follow the flowchart shown below. (Note that I don't really bother to show for bronze ranks because it matters too little in those ranks.)

Here are the steps to follow to determine the mission type. 80-90% of the time, you should be able to determine the mission type without even playing the mission.

  1. Look out for Laser MIRVs.
    • The presence of Laser MIRVs indicate a laser heavy mission, which greatly reduces the mission types to Group 1: [Lasers Only, Laser/Pellet & Laser/Shuriken (or Shuriken/Pellet/Laser, only in Marshal) ].
      • The presence of DDSMs in the mission intel confirms the mission type of Laser/Shuriken. √ Done! √
      • The presence of DDMBs in the mission intel confirms the mission type of Laser/Shuriken or Shuriken/Pellet/Laser (In the case of Marshal). For all ranks except Marshal, this is enough to confirm that the mission type is Laser/Shuriken.
      • The presence of DDLs narrows it down to Lasers Only or Laser/Pellet. Skip to Step 4.
      • Otherwise, skip to Step 4.
  2. If there are no Laser MIRVs, look out for Lasers in the mission.
    • The presence of lasers cuts down the mission types to either Group 2: [Dart/Boomerang/Laser & General/Boomerang] or Group 3: [General & Dart/Pellet/Laser].
    • The lack of lasers cuts down the mission types to either Group 4: [Dart/Boomerang/Pellet, General - No Lasers & Shuriken/Boomerang] or Group 5: [Shuriken/MIRV(A), Shuriken/MIRV(B) & Dart/MIRV], at least for Silver ranks and above.
  3. Look out for Boomerangs. This helps you to choose between Group 2 & 3, or between Group 4 & 5.
    • If there are boomerangs, go to either Group 2 or 4. If there are no boomerangs, go to Group 3 or 5.
    • If Group 2 is confirmed, look for DDMBs. If there are DDMBs, then the mission type is confirmed to be General/Boomerang. √ Done! √
    • If Group 4 is confirmed, look for MIRVs. If there are MIRVs, then the mission type is confirmed to be Shuriken/Boomerang. √ Done! √
      • If not, look for DDMBs. If there are DDMBs, then the mission type is confirmed to be Dart/Boomerang/Pellet. √ Done! √
    • If Group 5 is confirmed, look for DDMBs. If there are DDMBs, then the mission type is confirmed to be Shuriken/MIRV(A). √ Done! √
      • If not, look for DDSMs. If there are DDSMs, then the mission type is either Shuriken/MIRV(A) or Dart/MIRV.
  4. Look at the mission venue AND the invader affinity. This is often the deciding factor between which 1 of the 2 mission types is it in the Group. Refer to the blue sticky notes in the flowchart above for the venues and the associated invader affinities (if required) that each of the mission types can appear on. Each mission venue can only have 2 affinities of invaders, as listed:
    • Zhey Auna: Unprotected & Armored Invaders
    • Gau Prime: Armored (Only for bronze ranks) & Shielded Invaders
    • Arcology CQ-6: Armored & Shielded Invaders
    • Ceres Major: Armored & Shielded Invaders
    • Blight, Sector[3,84]: Unprotected & Armored Invaders
    • Dovacoon Forge: Unprotected & Armored Invaders
    • Prometheus Array: Unprotected & Shielded Invaders
  5. If the above 4 steps still didn't work to determine the mission type, at the very least, you would have determined the Group. Unfortunately, at this point, the only thing that you can do is to play the mission to distinguish between 2 mission types in a Group. The small yellow sticky notes in the flowchart shows you what to look for each of the Groups.
    1. Look out for Sinister invaders. These invaders have camouflage patterns on their body.
      • You can still opt to suicide before killing any invader, if you decide to change ship. Or if you can simply decide to just not attempt the mission entirely since you are not considered to have attempted the mission if you did not kill a single invader at wave 1-1.
    2. If not, look for the presence of shurikens (more common deciding factor) or darts (less common deciding factor).
      • While possible to find out this at wave 1-1 (and change ship/suicide), you might have to play through quite some way into the mission to find out for the presence of shurikens or darts.
      • Looking out for shurikens is a definitive way to determine the mission type within each Group, if you do not want to remember so much.
        • In lower ranks, checking for shurikens can take very long since some mission types have shurikens appear only in much later Acts.
      • In Marshal rank only, pellets are the deciding factor between Laser/Shuriken and Shuriken/Pellet/Laser.

The table below shows the associated difficulty indicated for all 3 missions and for all ranks:

Leftmost Daily Mission Difficulty
, , , , , ,
Middle Daily Mission Difficulty
, , ,
/ / / /
Rightmost Daily Mission Difficulty
, , ,
/ / / /
Daily Mission Cycle for Bronze Ranks

Note that for the Mission Intel, this table shows the worst possible scenario, meaning if all invader weaponry for that mission type appears. Not all the invader weaponry that is possible for that mission type may appear on a certain daily mission. Condors are excluded since it does not affect the mission type. (Rocs do NOT appear in Bronze ranks.)

To determine the sequence number to look at, simply look at the last digit of the mission number (E.g. Mission #3142, so the sequence number is 2).

Sequence No

Leftmost Mission Venue for Bronze Ranks

Leftmost Mission Type + Intel for Bronze Ranks

Middle Mission Venue for Bronze Ranks

Middle Mission Type + Intel for Bronze Ranks

Rightmost Mission Venue for Bronze Ranks

Rightmost Mission Type + Intel for Bronze Ranks

0.Zhey AunaDart/Pellet Gau PrimeShuriken/MIRV(B) Zhey AunaLaser/Shuriken
1.Shuriken/Pellet Arcology CQ-6Dart/Pellet Gau PrimeShuriken/MIRV(B)
2.Dart/Pellet Arcology CQ-6General Zhey AunaShuriken/MIRV(B)
3.Shuriken/Pellet Gau PrimeShuriken/MIRV(B) Arcology CQ-6Dart/Pellet/Laser
4.Shuriken/MIRV(B) Arcology CQ-6Dart/Pellet/Laser Ceres MajorGeneral
5.Shuriken/MIRV(B) Gau PrimeGeneral Arcology CQ-6Laser/Shuriken
6.Dart/Pellet Arcology CQ-6Dart/Pellet/Laser Gau PrimeGeneral
7.Shuriken/MIRV(B) Gau PrimeGeneral Arcology CQ-6General
8.Dart/Pellet Arcology CQ-6Dart/Pellet/Laser Zhey AunaShuriken/MIRV(B)
9.Shuriken/MIRV(B) Arcology CQ-6Dart/Pellet Ceres MajorLaser/Shuriken

The affinity / mission type distribution table is as shown below in order to help you find the most suitable ship to ult next. The Pellet/Shuriken mission is a substitute of the Boomerang/Shuriken at Silver ranks and above, due to the absence of boomerangs at Bronze ranks. This unique mission type to Bronze ranks literally only features pellets and shurikens, nothing else.

Mission Type + IntelUnprotectedArmoredShieldedTotal by
Mission Type
Dart/Pellet-6/30 (20%)-6/30 (20%)
Shuriken/Pellet2/30 (6.67%)--2/30 (6.67%)
Shuriken/MIRV(B) 5/30 (16.67%)2/30 (6.67%)2/30 (6.67%)9/30 (30%)
Dart/Pellet/Laser --6/30 (33.33%)6/30 (20%)
General --4/30 (13.33%)4/30 (13.33%)
Laser/Shuriken 1/30 (3.33%)1/30 (3.33%)1/30 (3.33%)3/30 (10%)
Total by Affinity8/30 (26.67%)9/30 (30%)13/30 (43.33%)
Daily Mission Cycle for Ace Rank

Note that for the Mission Intel, this table shows the worst possible scenario, meaning if all invader weaponry for that mission type appears. Not all the invader weaponry that is possible for that mission type may appear on a certain daily mission. Condors and Rocs are excluded since it does not affect the mission type.

To determine the sequence number to look at, simply look at the last digit of the mission number (E.g. Mission #3142, so the sequence number is 2).

*Note that the cycle for the silver ranks is known to randomly deviate for one mission of the cycle on random cycles. For example, on Sequence 7, the A mission was somehow a Dart/Pellet/Laser instead of a Laser/Pellet mission for one mission in about 4 cycles.

Sequence No

Mission Venue for Ace Rank

Mission Type + Intel for Ace Rank

Mission Venue for Ace Rank

Mission Type + Intel for Ace Rank

Mission Venue for Ace Rank

Mission Type + Intel for Ace Rank

0.Zhey AunaShuriken/MIRV(B) Ceres MajorGeneral Arcology CQ-6Laser/Shuriken
1.Gau PrimeGeneral Arcology CQ-6Laser/Pellet Blight, Sector[3,84]Shuriken/Boomerang
2.Arcology CQ-6Dart/Pellet Zhey AunaShuriken/Boomerang Ceres MajorGeneral
3.Gau PrimeGeneral Blight, Sector[3,84]Dart/Pellet/Laser Arcology CQ-6Dart/Boomerang/Pellet
4.Zhey AunaShuriken/MIRV(B) Ceres MajorDart/Boomerang/Pellet Gau PrimeLaser/Shuriken
5.Arcology CQ-6Dart/Pellet/Laser Gau PrimeShuriken/MIRV(B) Ceres MajorDart/Boomerang/Pellet
6.Gau PrimeShuriken/MIRV(B) Arcology CQ-6Dart/Pellet/Laser Blight, Sector[3,84]Shuriken/Boomerang
7.Zhey AunaDart/Pellet Ceres MajorGeneral Arcology CQ-6Laser/Pellet
8.Arcology CQ-6Dart/Pellet/Laser Blight, Sector[3,84]Shuriken/Boomerang Ceres MajorShuriken/MIRV(B)
9.Zhey AunaShuriken/MIRV(B) Arcology CQ-6Dart/Boomerang/Pellet Blight, Sector[3,84]Dart/Pellet/Laser

The affinity / mission type distribution table is as shown below in order to help you find the most suitable ship to ult next.

Mission Type + IntelUnprotectedArmoredShieldedTotal by
Mission Type
Shuriken/MIRV(B) 3/30 (10%)-3/30 (10%)6/30 (20%)
Dart/Pellet -2/30 (6.67%)-2/30 (6.67%)
Dart/Boomerang/Pellet -4/30 (13.33%)-4/30 (13.33%)
Shuriken/Boomerang 4/30 (13.33%)--4/30 (13.33%)
Dart/Pellet/Laser -2/30 (6.67%)3/30 (10%)5/30 (16.67%)
General --5/30 (16.67%)5/30 (16.67%)
Laser/Pellet --2/30 (6.67%)2/30 (6.67%)
Laser/Shuriken -1/30 (3.33%)1/30 (3.33%)2/30 (6.67%)
Total by Affinity7/30 (23.33%)9/30 (30%)14/30 (46.67%)
Daily Mission Cycle for Lieutenant Rank

Note that for the Mission Intel, this table shows the worst possible scenario, meaning if all invader weaponry for that mission type appears. Not all the invader weaponry that is possible for that mission type may appear on a certain daily mission. Condors and Rocs are excluded since it does not affect the mission type.

To determine the sequence number to look at, simply look at the last digit of the mission number (E.g. Mission #3142, so the sequence number is 2).

*Note that the cycle for the silver ranks is known to randomly deviate for one mission of the cycle on random cycles. For example, on Sequence 0, the A mission was somehow an AP mission instead of an SB mission for one mission in about 4 cycles.

Sequence No

Mission Venue for Lieutenant Rank

Mission Type + Intel for Lieutenant Rank

Mission Venue for Lieutenant Rank

Mission Type + Intel for Lieutenant Rank

Mission Venue for Lieutenant Rank

Mission Type + Intel for Lieutenant Rank

0.Zhey AunaShuriken/MIRV(B) Ceres MajorGeneral Arcology CQ-6Dart/Boomerang/Laser
1.Gau PrimeGeneral Arcology CQ-6Laser/Pellet Blight, Sector[3,84]Shuriken/Boomerang
2.Arcology CQ-6Dart/Pellet Zhey AunaShuriken/Boomerang Gau PrimeLaser/Pellet
3.Gau PrimeGeneral Blight, Sector[3,84]Dart/Pellet/Laser Ceres MajorDart/Boomerang/Laser
4.Zhey AunaShuriken/MIRV(B) Ceres MajorDart/Boomerang/Pellet Gau PrimeGeneral
5.Arcology CQ-6Dart/Pellet/Laser Gau PrimeShuriken/MIRV(A) Ceres MajorDart/Boomerang/Pellet
6.Gau PrimeShuriken/MIRV(A) Arcology CQ-6Laser/Pellet Blight, Sector[3,84]Laser/Shuriken
7.Zhey AunaDart/Pellet Blight, Sector[3,84]Shuriken/Boomerang Ceres MajorShuriken/MIRV(A)
8.Arcology CQ-6Dart/Pellet/Laser Ceres MajorLaser/Shuriken Blight, Sector[3,84]Dart/Pellet/Laser
9.Zhey AunaShuriken/MIRV(A) Arcology CQ-6Dart/Boomerang/Pellet Ceres MajorLaser/Shuriken

The affinity / mission type distribution table is as shown below in order to help you find the most suitable ship to ult next.

Mission Type + intelUnprotectedArmoredShieldedTotal by
Mission Type
Shuriken/MIRV(A) 1/30 (3.33%)-3/30 (10%)6/30 (20%)
Shuriken/MIRV(B) 2/30 (6.67%)--
Dart/Pellet -2/30 (6.67%)-2/30 (6.67%)
Dart/Boomerang/Pellet -3/30 (10%)-3/30 (10%)
Shuriken/Boomerang 3/30 (10%)--3/30 (10%)
Dart/Boomerang/Laser -1/30 (3.33%)1/30 (3.33%)2/30 (6.67%)
Dart/Pellet/Laser -2/30 (6.67%)2/30 (6.67%)4/30 (13.33%)
General --4/30 (13.33%)4/30 (13.33%)
Laser/Pellet --3/30 (10%)3/30 (10%)
Laser/Shuriken 1/30 (3.33%)-2/30 (6.67%)3/30 (10%)
Total by Affinity7/30 (23.33%)8/30 (26.67%)15/30 (50%)
Daily Mission Cycle for Captain Rank

Note that for the Mission Intel, this table shows the worst possible scenario, meaning if all invader weaponry for that mission type appears. Not all the invader weaponry that is possible for that mission type may appear on a certain daily mission. Condors and Rocs are excluded since it does not affect the mission type.

To determine the sequence number to look at, simply look at the last digit of the mission number (E.g. Mission #3142, so the sequence number is 2).

*Note that the cycle for the silver ranks is known to randomly deviate for one mission of the cycle on random cycles. No such deviation is observed so far for Captain, but on Lieutenant and Ace ranks, there have been a few exceptions.

Sequence No

Mission Venue for Captain Rank

Mission Type + Intel for Captain Rank

Mission Venue for Captain Rank

Mission Type + Intel for Captain Rank

Mission Venue for Captain Rank

Mission Type + Intel for Captain Rank

0.Zhey AunaDart/MIRV Ceres MajorGeneral Arcology CQ-6Dart/Boomerang/Laser
1.Gau PrimeGeneral Arcology CQ-6Laser/Pellet Blight, Sector[3,84]Shuriken/Boomerang
2.Arcology CQ-6Dart/Pellet Zhey AunaShuriken/Boomerang Gau PrimeLaser/Pellet
3.Gau PrimeGeneral Blight, Sector[3,84]Dart/Pellet/Laser Ceres MajorDart/Boomerang/Laser
4.Zhey AunaShuriken/MIRV(B) Ceres MajorDart/MIRV Gau PrimeGeneral
5.Arcology CQ-6Dart/Pellet/Laser Gau PrimeShuriken/MIRV(B) Ceres MajorDart/Boomerang/Pellet
6.Gau PrimeShuriken/MIRV(A) Arcology CQ-6Laser/Pellet Blight, Sector[3,84]Laser/Shuriken
7.Zhey AunaDart/Pellet Blight, Sector[3,84]Shuriken/Boomerang Ceres MajorShuriken/MIRV(A)
8.Arcology CQ-6Dart/Pellet/Laser Ceres MajorLaser/Shuriken Blight, Sector[3,84]Dart/Pellet/Laser
9.Zhey AunaShuriken/MIRV(A) Arcology CQ-6Dart/Boomerang/Pellet Gau PrimeDart/MIRV

The affinity / mission type distribution table is as shown below in order to help you find the most suitable ship to ult next.

Mission Type + IntelUnprotectedArmoredShieldedTotal by
Mission Type
Shuriken/MIRV(A) 1/30 (3.33%)-2/30 (6.67%)5/30 (16.67%)
Shuriken/MIRV(B) 1/30 (3.33%)-1/30 (3.33%)
Dart/MIRV 1/30 (3.33%)1/30 (3.33%)1/30 (3.33%)3/30 (10%)
Dart/Pellet -2/30 (6.67%)-2/30 (6.67%)
Dart/Boomerang/Pellet -2/30 (6.67%)-2/30 (6.67%)
Shuriken/Boomerang 3/30 (10%)--3/30 (10%)
Dart/Boomerang/Laser -2/30 (6.67%)-2/30 (6.67%)
Dart/Pellet/Laser -2/30 (6.67%)2/30 (6.67%)4/30 (13.33%)
General --4/30 (13.33%)4/30 (13.33%)
Laser/Pellet --3/30 (10%)3/30 (10%)
Laser/Shuriken 1/30 (3.33%)-1/30 (3.33%)2/30 (6.67%)
Total by Affinity7/30 (23.33%)9/30 (30%)14/30 (43.33%)
Daily Mission Cycle for Colonel Rank

Note that for the Mission Intel, this table shows the worst possible scenario, meaning if all invader weaponry for that mission type appears. Not all the invader weaponry that is possible for that mission type may appear on a certain daily mission. Condors and Rocs are excluded since it does not affect the mission type.

Specialist missions are NOT included in this table as the specialist mission cycle is longer than the daily mission cycle.

To determine the sequence number to look at, simply look at the last digit of the mission number (E.g. Mission #3142, so the sequence number is 2).

Sequence No

Mission Venue for Colonel rank

Mission Type + Intel for Colonel rank

Mission Venue for Colonel rank

Mission Type + Intel for Colonel rank

Mission Venue for Colonel rank

Mission Type + Intel for Colonel rank

0.Zhey AunaDart/Boomerang/Pellet Dovacoon ForgeGeneral/Boomerang
1.Gau PrimeDart/Pellet/Laser Blight, Sector[3,84]Shuriken/Boomerang
2.Ceres MajorDart/Boomerang/Laser Blight, Sector[3,84]Laser/Pellet
3.Blight, Sector[3,84]Shuriken/Boomerang Arcology CQ-6Dart/Pellet/Laser
4.Arcology CQ-6Laser/Pellet Ceres MajorGeneral - No Lasers
5.Zhey AunaShuriken/MIRV(A) Ceres MajorGeneral
6.Gau PrimeGeneral Dovacoon ForgeDart/MIRV
7.Ceres MajorDart/Boomerang/Laser Gau PrimeGeneral/Boomerang
8.Gau PrimeShuriken/MIRV(B) Ceres MajorLaser/Shuriken
9.Blight, Sector[3,84]Laser/Shuriken Dovacoon ForgeDart/Boomerang/Pellet

The affinity / mission type distribution table for ONLY the normal daily missions is as shown below in order to help you find the most suitable ship to ult next.

Mission Type + intelUnprotectedArmoredShieldedTotal by
Mission Type
Shuriken/MIRV(A) 1/20 (5%)--2/20 (10%)
Shuriken/MIRV(B) --1/20 (5%)
Dart/MIRV -1/20 (5%)-1/20 (5%)
Dart/Boomerang/Pellet -2/20 (10%)-2/20 (10%)
General - No Lasers --1/20 (5%)1/20 (5%)
Shuriken/Boomerang 2/20 (10%)--2/20 (10%)
General/Boomerang 1/20 (5%)-1/20 (5%)2/20 (10%)
Dart/Boomerang/Laser -2/20 (10%)-2/20 (10%)
General --2/20 (10%)2/20 (10%)
Dart/Pellet/Laser --2/20 (10%)2/20 (10%)
Laser/Pellet -1/20 (5%)1/20 (5%)2/20 (10%)
Laser/Shuriken 1/20 (5%)1/20 (5%)-2/20 (10%)
Total by Affinity5/20 (25%)7/20 (35%)8/20 (40%)
Daily Mission Cycle for Major Rank

Note that for the Mission Intel, this table shows the worst possible scenario, meaning if all invader weaponry for that mission type appears. Not all the invader weaponry that is possible for that mission type may appear on a certain daily mission. Condors and Rocs are excluded since it does not affect the mission type.

Specialist missions are NOT included in this table as the specialist mission cycle is longer than the daily mission cycle.

To determine the sequence number to look at, simply look at the last digit of the mission number (E.g. Mission #3142, so the sequence number is 2).

Sequence No

Mission Venue for Major rank

Mission Type + Intel for Major rank

Mission Venue for Major rank

Mission Type + Intel for Major rank

Mission Venue for Major rank

Mission Type + Intel for Major rank

0.Zhey AunaDart/Boomerang/Pellet Arcology CQ-6General/Boomerang
1.Gau PrimeDart/Pellet/Laser Blight, Sector[3,84]Shuriken/Boomerang*
2.Ceres MajorGeneral/Boomerang Blight, Sector[3,84]General/Boomerang
3.Blight, Sector[3,84]Shuriken/Boomerang Ceres MajorGeneral
4.Arcology CQ-6Laser/Pellet Ceres MajorGeneral - No Lasers
5.Zhey AunaShuriken/MIRV(A) Ceres MajorDart/Boomerang/Pellet*
6.Ceres MajorGeneral Arcology CQ-6General/Boomerang
7.Ceres MajorDart/MIRV Gau PrimeGeneral/Boomerang
8.Gau PrimeDart/Boomerang/Laser Dovacoon ForgeDart/MIRV
9.Dovacoon ForgeLaser/Shuriken Blight, Sector[3,84]Dart/Pellet/Laser

The affinity / mission type distribution table for ONLY normal daily missions is as shown below in order to help you find the most suitable ship to ult next. Asterisks in the total by mission type column indicate how many mission of that mission type has Caged MIRVs.

Mission Type + intelUnprotectedArmoredShieldedTotal by
Mission Type
Shuriken/MIRV(A) 1/20 (5%)--1/20 (5%)
Dart/MIRV -2/20 (10%)-2/20 (10%)
General - No Lasers --1/20 (5%)1/20 (5%)
Dart/Boomerang/Pellet -1/20 (5%)-2*/20 (10%)
Dart/Boomerang/Pellet* -1/20 (5%)-
Shuriken/Boomerang 1/20 (5%)--2*/20 (10%)
Shuriken/Boomerang* 1/20 (5%)--
Dart/Boomerang/Laser --1/20 (5%)1/20 (5%)
General/Boomerang -3/20 (15%)2/20 (10%)5/20 (25%)
General --2/20 (10%)2/20 (10%)
Dart/Pellet/Laser -1/20 (5%)1/20 (5%)2/20 (10%)
Laser/Pellet --1/20 (5%)1/20 (5%)
Laser/Shuriken 1/20 (5%)--1/20 (5%)
Total by Affinity4/20 (20%)8/20 (40%)8/20 (40%)
Daily Mission Cycle for Commander Rank

Note that for the Mission Intel, this table shows the worst possible scenario, meaning if all invader weaponry for that mission type appears. Not all the invader weaponry that is possible for that mission type may appear on a certain daily mission. Condors and Rocs are excluded since it does not affect the mission type.

Specialist missions are NOT included in this table as the specialist mission cycle is longer than the daily mission cycle.

To determine the sequence number to look at, simply look at the last digit of the mission number (E.g. Mission #3142, so the sequence number is 2).

Sequence No

Mission Venue for Commander rank

Mission Type + Intel for Commander rank

Mission Venue for Commander rank

Mission Type + Intel for Commander rank

Mission Venue for Commander rank

Mission Type + Intel for Commander rank

0.Zhey AunaDart/Boomerang/Pellet Arcology CQ-6General/Boomerang
1.Gau PrimeDart/Pellet/Laser Blight, Sector[3,84]Shuriken/Boomerang*
2.Ceres MajorGeneral - No Lasers Blight, Sector[3,84]General/Boomerang
3.Blight, Sector[3,84]Shuriken/Boomerang Arcology CQ-6Dart/Pellet/Laser
4.Arcology CQ-6Laser/Pellet Ceres MajorGeneral - No Lasers
5.Zhey AunaShuriken/MIRV(A) Dovacoon ForgeDart/Boomerang/Pellet*
6.Ceres MajorGeneral Arcology CQ-6General/Boomerang*
7.Ceres MajorDart/MIRV Gau PrimeGeneral
8.Gau PrimeDart/Boomerang/Laser Dovacoon ForgeLasers Only
9.Dovacoon ForgeLaser/Shuriken Arcology CQ-6Lasers Only

The affinity / mission type distribution table for ONLY normal daily missions is as shown below in order to help you find the most suitable ship to ult next. Asterisks in the total by mission type column indicate how many mission of that mission type has Caged MIRVs.

Mission Type + intelUnprotectedArmoredShieldedTotal by
Mission Type
Shuriken/MIRV(A) 1/20 (5%)--1/20 (5%)
Dart/MIRV -1/20 (5%)-1/20 (5%)
General - No Lasers -1/20 (5%)1/20 (5%)2/20 (10%)
Dart/Boomerang/Pellet -1/20 (5%)-2*/20 (10%)
Dart/Boomerang/Pellet* -1/20 (5%)-
Shuriken/Boomerang 1/20 (5%)--2*/20 (10%)
Shuriken/Boomerang* 1/20 (5%)--
Dart/Boomerang/Laser --1/20 (5%)1/20 (5%)
General/Boomerang -1/20 (5%)1/20 (5%)3*/20 (15%)
General/Boomerang* -1/20 (5%)-
General --2/20 (10%)2/20 (10%)
Dart/Pellet/Laser --2/20 (10%)2/20 (10%)
Lasers Only -2/20 (10%)-2/20 (10%)
Laser/Pellet --1/20 (5%)1/20 (5%)
Laser/Shuriken 1/20 (5%)--1/20 (5%)
Total by Affinity4/20 (20%)8/20 (40%)8/20 (40%)
Daily Mission Cycle for Marshal Rank

Note that for the Mission Intel, this table shows the worst possible scenario, meaning if all invader weaponry for that mission type appears. Not all the invader weaponry that is possible for that mission type may appear on a certain daily mission. Condors and Rocs are excluded since it does not affect the mission type.

Specialist missions are NOT included in this table as the specialist mission cycle is longer than the daily mission cycle.

To determine the sequence number to look at, take the remainder after dividing the mission number by 20 using long division, aka (Mission Number) % 20, where the % means modulo. E.g. Mission #3137, so the sequence number is 17.

Sequence No

Mission Venue for Marshal rank

Mission Type + Intel for Marshal rank

Mission Venue for Marshal rank

Mission Type + Intel for Marshal rank

Mission Venue for Marshal rank

Mission Type + Intel for Marshal rank

0.Gau PrimeGeneral Arcology CQ-6Lasers Only
1.Arcology CQ-6Dart/MIRV Prometheus ArrayShuriken/Boomerang
2.Zhey AunaDart/Boomerang/Pellet Prometheus ArrayGeneral/Boomerang
3.Blight, Sector[3,84]General/Boomerang Dovacoon ForgeDart/Boomerang/Pellet
4.Gau PrimeDart/Pellet/Laser Dovacoon ForgeShuriken/MIRV(B)*
5.Blight, Sector[3,84]Dart/Boomerang/Laser Arcology CQ-6Dart/Pellet/Laser
6.Zhey AunaShuriken/Boomerang Arcology CQ-6Dart/MIRV
7.Gau PrimeLaser/Pellet Ceres MajorGeneral
8.Ceres MajorShuriken/Pellet/Laser Blight, Sector[3,84]General/Boomerang
9.Zhey AunaGeneral - No Lasers Arcology CQ-6Laser/Pellet
10.Gau PrimeGeneral Ceres MajorDart/Boomerang/Laser
11.Arcology CQ-6Lasers Only Blight, Sector[3,84]Shuriken/MIRV(A)
12.Dovacoon ForgeDart/Boomerang/Pellet Blight, Sector[3,84]Laser/Shuriken
13.Zhey AunaGeneral/Boomerang Ceres MajorLaser/Shuriken*
14.Blight, Sector[3,84]Dart/Pellet/Laser Gau PrimeShuriken/MIRV(A)
15.Dovacoon ForgeShuriken/MIRV(A) Arcology CQ-6Dart/Boomerang/Laser
16.Zhey AunaShuriken/Boomerang Blight, Sector[3,84]Laser/Pellet
17.Gau PrimeLaser/Shuriken Dovacoon ForgeGeneral/Boomerang
18.Blight, Sector[3,84]Laser/Pellet Gau PrimeGeneral - No Lasers
19.Arcology CQ-6Shuriken/MIRV(B) Ceres MajorDart/MIRV*

The affinity / mission type distribution table is as shown below in order to help you find the most suitable ship to ult next. Asterisks* in the mission type indicate the presence of Caged MIRVs in that mission type, while asterisks* in the total by mission type column indicate how many mission of that mission type has Caged MIRVs.

Mission Type + intelUnprotectedArmoredShieldedTotal by
Mission Type
Shuriken/MIRV(A) 1/40 (2.5%)1/40 (2.5%)1/40 (2.5%)5*/40 (12.5%)
Shuriken/MIRV(B) --1/40 (2.5%)
Shuriken/MIRV(B)* -1/40 (2.5%)-
Dart/MIRV --2/40 (5%)3*/40 (7.5%)
Dart/MIRV* -1/40 (2.5%)-
Dart/Boomerang/Pellet -3/40 (7.5%)-3/40 (7.5%)
General - No Lasers 1/40 (2.5%)-1/40 (2.5%)2/40 (5%)
Shuriken/Boomerang 3/40 (7.5%)--3/40 (7.5%)
Dart/Boomerang/Laser -2/40 (5%)1/40 (2.5%)3/40 (7.5%)
General/Boomerang 2/40 (5%)1/40 (2.5%)2/40 (7.5%)5/40 (12.5%)
General --3/40 (7.5%)3/40 (7.5%)
Dart/Pellet/Laser -1/40 (2.5%)2/40 (5%)3/40 (7.5%)
Shuriken/Pellet/Laser --1/40 (2.5%)1/40 (2.5%)
Lasers Only -1/40 (2.5%)1/40 (2.5%)2/40 (5%)
Laser/Pellet -2/40 (5%)2/40 (5%)4/40 (10%)
Laser/Shuriken 1/40 (2.5%)-1/40 (2.5%)3*/40 (7.5%)
Laser/Shuriken* --1/40 (2.5%)
Total by Affinity8/40 (20%)14/40 (35%)18/40 (45%)

Trivia: The fastest Marshal SSSS clear time for a single mission is 0:46.66, achieved using Shogun Sigma by Itvara on June 4, 2020 or Mission #1615. This record still holds today.